404-952-9530 info@words4life.org

Advertisements That Save Lives

Your Ad Dollars Can Directly Help Pregnancy Centers
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Your advertisement can save lives

The Lives of Babies!

Have you ever paid for an advertisement in a magazine that directly saved someone’s life?

That might sound like a strange question. After all, you typically advertise to grow your business. But what if you could do both? What if you could advertise in a publication that goes to a very loyal audience ready to support your business – and directly save the lives of babies as well?

Well, a small group of advertisers are doing just that. And so can you. Let me show you how they’re doing it.

2020 Media Kit

Our Media Kit contains everything you need to begin to advertise with Words4Life. We highlight the target audience, ad rates and art specifications.

This might seem impossible, but this group of advertisers helped save the life of a baby and her mother.

The mother, we’ll call her Jill, was sitting in her doctor’s office waiting to visit with the doctor. Jill was pregnant and wanted to end the pregnancy. While she was sitting in the lobby waiting for her appointment, she picked up a magazine to read. Little did she know her life was about to change.

You see, the doctor she was visiting was a supporter of the local pregnancy center. The pregnancy center had just published a custom magazine and, with his permission, placed copies of it in the doctor’s waiting room.

While Jill was waiting, she picked up a copy of the magazine and began to read. The stories she read, the care and compassion she felt, and the hope she needed all came through in a way that she knew what to do – she would keep the baby!

Simply by reading a magazine, an abortion-minded mother changed her mind and found the hope and the help she needed to keep the baby. She was able to reach out to the pregnancy center and share her story. And the care she received saved not only her baby’s life – but her life as well. It spared her the devastation and guilt she would have experienced had she not picked up that magazine.

And the advertisers made this possible….

Advertise With Words4Life

ad·ver·tise – /ˈadvərˌtīz/ verb

To describe or draw attention to your product or service in a way to promote sales or attendance and bring wonderful benefits to pregnancy centers around the country.

“We Can’t Afford to Publish a Magazine!”

That’s what this pregnancy center said when the idea of doing a magazine first came up. The director thought there was no way they could do it. They were a small center with an annual budget of less than $100,000. But the folks at Words4Life walked them through how to make it a reality.

Because of the advertisements from business owners who saw the impact this Center was having in the community, the magazine didn’t cost the Center anything to produce. But this story doesn’t end here.

You see, the quality of the magazine was so high that it helped push donations into the Center at a record pace. Within two years, the donations given at their annual banquet more than doubled. One of the banquet attenders, a former marketing director for a Fortune 500 company, was so impressed, he told the Center’s staff “I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s fantastic.”

All of this happened because a small group of advertisers saw the vision and placed an ad in this little magazine. Each of these advertisers has been so impressed with the work of the Center and the return on their investment in the magazine that almost all of them continue to advertise in it

Every Pregnancy Center Needs One of These Magazines

Can you imagine what would happen if every pregnancy center in the country had their own custom magazine? They can tell their story, show how effective their center is in saving the lives of babies, and appeal to more donors. Not only is this possible, we’re starting to make it happen. And you can be a part of it.

You see, Words4Life specializes in custom magazines. We have nearly 100 years of publishing experience in our executive team. And they have created magazines for software companies, political campaigns, doctors’ offices, and more. Now we’re offering our magazines to pregnancy centers.

We do all the work for them. All they have to do is tell us their stories and we write the articles, design the magazines, and we even help them with advertising. Then they distribute their magazines at their banquets, their local events, and to their mailing lists. This can include all of their donors, community leaders, churches, civic groups, and doctors’ offices.

What’s incredible is that the quality of the magazine coupled with the incredible stories makes these magazines incredibly valuable to the people who receive them. People read them from cover to cover. And along the way, they see the advertisers.

This Is Where You Come In….

You see, we can’t publish these magazines for the pregnancy centers if we don’t have advertisers. By advertising in these magazines, not only would you help us help them, but your company would be known by pro-life donors as a company they want to do business with. So please consider becoming an advertiser.

Contact us today and find out how valuable these ads are to the pregnancy centers — and to your company.

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(404) 952-9530

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7 Caring Way
Jasper, Georgia 30143

